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Practical information

All you need to know about your stay at Yttersvingen. Do you still need answers? Call +(47) 612 49 000 within opening hours and +(47) 612 74 747 after opening hours, or send us an mail.

About the apartment
  • Wi-Fi: You can find the Wi-Fi code at the TV box/decoder/tuner.
  • TV: The TV box is situated above the TV screen and the remote control is located in the living room. The remote control has rechargeable batteries and can be charged with a cable connected to the TV-box. 
  • Wash & dry: All units at Yttersvingen are equipped with combi machines for washing and drying. You can find instructions for these in the kitchen cupboards. 
  • Garbage/recycling: Garbage must be recycled and thrown right outside Yttersvingen at the environmental station. Glass, plastic, residual waste and cardboard. 

Additional products: 

  • Firewood sacks: Can be ordered up front with your booking/accommodation for all units with a fireplace. Did you forget to order? You can always buy sacks of firewood at the grocery store, "Vestsiden Deli", in the first floor. 
  • Bed linen/crib/high chair: Can be ordered up front with your booking/accommodation. Did you forget to order? Call HafjellKvitfjell Booking to reorder, (+47) 612 49 000
  • Mid-stay cleaning: For longer stays, you can order an mid-stay cleaning. This includes emptying the garbage, cleaning surfaces, as well as vacuuming and mopping the floors. You can order mid-stay cleaning here.

Read about out our terms and conditions here.

Check-in & check-out
  • Check-in 17:00
  • Check-out 11:00
  • Key code: You will get this available via SMS as soon as the unit is ready for check-in. You will also receive an SMS one hour before check-out at 11:00, this contains important information about check-out and when the key code stops working.
Your skiing experience
  • Ski lockers:The ski lockers hold about four pair of skis. They are located in the parking basement right next to the lift and stairway. The code for the ski locker is the same as the code you received for your apartment..
  • Skirental & ski service: Do you need to rent ski or snowboard, or other gear? Kvitfjell Ski Rental has modern equipment tailored for your need in the slopes. Book ski rental here and you can pick up your skiis in the shop or they can be picked up in your ski locker.
  • Ski school: Kvitfjell Ski School can offer you private lessons or group lessons for both skiing and snowboarding. There are meeting places at the Mid station and at the West side. If you haven't booked ski school yet, you can book here.
  • Lift cards: It is always cheapest to buy your lift card online - save money and buy here. You can also buy lift pass at the shop "Kvitfjell Sport1" or at the ticket office located on the Mid station. See our terms and conditions for lift cards. 
  • Piste map: Get to know the ski resort, take a look at the piste map.
  • Web camera: See our live web cameras located at the Mid station, the top of Kvitfjell and Varden.
Grocery store, restaurants & shops
  • Grocery store: At the first floor you will find a small grocery store, Vestsiden Deli, here you can buy fresh baked goods, meat, cheese and beverages, as well as regular everyday items/hygiene items. In the fresh food counter, it is possible to buy dinner food for heating and simple lunches.
  • Restaurants: You can find various restaurants in the ski resort. At the West side (here we are now)I: Tyrihans, Lettvint Bar og Cafe, Gondolen Fjellbistro og Varden Restaurant. Mid station: Beite, För, Gudbrandsgard Hotel (Prepperiet and Gildestua) and Koia Afterski (just simple dishes). Read about our restaurants.
  • Shops: The Sport1 shop is located at Skitorget West right next to the restaurant "Gondolen Fjellbistro". Here you can get everything you need for your skiing holiday.
Parking/Electric vehicles

You can charge you electric vehicle in the basement parking. There are designated places for electric vehicles on the left side when you drive in. The parking with charges are not to be occupied unless you are charging, when done charging, make room for other vehicles to charge.

In case of emergency
  • Fire: If false alarm is triggered, it must be stopped within 2 minutes. The fire alarm is located outside in the hallway. Make sure the smoke alarms are smoke free. If you cannot stop the alarm within 2 minutes, the alarm will restart and a message will be sent to the main rescue center and the fire brigade moves out.
  • Person injury in the resort: Ski patrol +(47) 476 46 527
  • Person injury in the unit: Emergency room 116 117, in case of emergency aid call 113.
  • Material damages in the unit: HafjellKvitfjell Booking, janitor, phone number: +(47) 926 77 742.